
Why Does My Dog Have a Runny Nose?

Why Does My Dog Have a Runny Nose?

Posted by volhard dog nutrition on Dec 19th 2023

When our canine companions get sniffles and runny noses, they can't simply grab a tissue. How can you deal with a runny nose—or nasal discharge—in dogs if you do not know what is causing it? Ju … read more
My Dog Has Diarrhea: What to Do?

My Dog Has Diarrhea: What to Do?

Posted by Volhard Dog Nutrition on Feb 20th 2023

My dog was fine yesterday, but now he's frequently running outside and has loose, watery stools. These are signs of diarrhea, an all too common problem many owners deal with in their dogs. So, what … read more
Carob for Dogs: Is It a Good Idea?

Carob for Dogs: Is It a Good Idea?

Posted by Volhard Dog Nutrition on Nov 28th 2022

The temptation of sharing human food with our furry friends — especially when they put on the irresistible puppy eye look — is sometimes hard to ignore. You might be walking around the house w … read more
Is Cinnamon Good for Dogs?

Is Cinnamon Good for Dogs?

Posted by Volhard Dog Nutrition on Nov 28th 2022

The jolly holiday season is right upon us! The smell of old-timey favorites like snickerdoodles, cinnamon buns, and cinnamon-baked pumpkin pervades our homes, not to mention the classic pumpkin spi … read more