3 Uses of Hydrogen Peroxide for Dogs

3 Uses of Hydrogen Peroxide for Dogs

Posted by Volhard Dog Nutrition on Jan 19th 2024

Hydrogen peroxide often appears as a jack-of-all-trades remedy.

Most dog parents recognize it as a handy solution for two main issues:

  • Inducing vomiting in our furry friends when necessary
  • Tackling wound care

But, while hydrogen peroxide might strike us as a superhero in a bottle, it's not always the best choice for our four-legged buddies, especially regarding proper wound healing.

This common household item, known for its role in addressing ear mites, might do more harm than good when misused.

Let's dive into the bubbly world of hydrogen peroxide and explore its role in keeping our canine companions healthy and happy.

Dog hydrogen peroxide

What Do We Mean by Hydrogen Peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide—a household name and a staple in many medicine cabinets—plays a fascinating role in dog care.

Scientifically speaking, its formula is H2O2, which is basically water (H2O) with an extra oxygen molecule.

This extra oxygen atom turns hydrogen peroxide into a Swiss Army knife, capable of fizzing and bubbling on contact with certain substances.

Do Not Use Hydrogen Peroxide on an Open Wound

Let's clarify from the start: avoiding using hydrogen peroxide to treat your dog's injuries is best.

Contrary to what many believe, hydrogen peroxide actually hinders the healing process.

Many of us recall how our moms used to apply hydrogen peroxide to scrapes, causing them to fizz and foam. They would also explain that the bubbling meant it was working.

However, while hydrogen peroxide does indeed kill bacteria, it also disrupts the function of fibroblasts—key players in the wound healing process.

Continuously using hydrogen peroxide on a wound keeps it from closing up and healing correctly, leaving it open and vulnerable.

How to Properly Disinfect a Dog's Wound

The way you safely clean a dog's wound matters significantly.

Thoroughly rinsing the wound is crucial for several reasons. It removes any dirt or debris that could impede healing, allowing you to determine if it requires stitches, a trip to the vet, or just some TLC.

Remember, disinfectants are ineffective on organic matter like soil, grass, and other particles. That's why proper cleaning is imperative for effective disinfection.

While hydrogen peroxide is an option in emergencies, it should only be used once for an initial rinse since continuous use hinders healing.

Instead, a pressurized saline solution is an excellent option for cleansing wounds as it matches the skin's pH without stinging, leaving stains, or irritating open wounds. This means your dog is less likely to react negatively to the treatment.

Always include enough pressurized saline in your dog's first aid kit because proper wound cleaning often requires a good amount of it. These bottles usually come with a nozzle allowing controlled, pressurized application, effectively dislodging debris without being too forceful.

Avoid using soaps unless they are specific surgical types recommended by your veterinarian. Regular soap, shampoo, or rubbing alcohol can cause significant discomfort.

Also, applying herbal preparations directly to an open wound is not advisable. You may use them after wound healing to prevent irritation or introducing toxins into the wound.

When Is It Okay to Use Hydrogen Peroxide in Dogs?

When is it okay to use hydrogen peroxide in dogs

Dealing with Cases of Poison Toxicity

Hydrogen peroxide often comes to the rescue when faced with the need to induce vomiting in your dog at home, particularly if they've ingested something harmful.

However, the first and most vital step is to contact Animal Poison Control.

It's crucial to get professional advice before deciding to induce vomiting, as in some cases, it could cause more harm than good. For instance, if your dog has consumed something acidic, bringing it back up could worsen the condition.

Let's say your dog eats something potentially toxic, like a grape, which can be dangerous for dogs.

In such a scenario, after consulting with Animal Poison Control and getting the green light, you can use hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting and prevent your pup from fully digesting the harmful item.

On the other hand, if your dog ingests something like detergent, inducing vomiting might not be advisable.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide in De-Skunking Mixtures

After recovering from the initial shock of a skunk encounter, it's time to whip up an effective skunk smell remover.

Thankfully, you don't need any exotic ingredients for this; just a few everyday household items will suffice.

Here's what you'll need for a thorough de-skunking solution:

Ingredients for a DIY de-skunking solution

  • 1 quart of 3% freshly opened hydrogen peroxide solution
  • 1/4 cup of baking soda
  • 1-2 teaspoons of liquid dish detergent like Dawn, which will spread the solution evenly through your dog's coat

Mix these items in a container with enough room for bubbling, like a bucket or a spacious bowl.

Stay away from sealed plastic bottles as the reaction between these ingredients produces gas, which could lead to pressure build-up and potential bursting.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide in Dog Ear Cleaning Solutions

Maintaining a healthy pH level in your dog's ear canal, typically between 4.6 and 7.2, is key to preventing bacterial and viral ear infections.

You can easily keep this balance in check with a homemade ear cleaner!

Here's what you need: 1 cup of warm tap water combined with 2 tablespoons of either hydrogen peroxide, apple cider vinegar (or white vinegar), or plantain tincture.

This DIY ear cleaner does more than just clear out ear debris; it also combats harmful microorganisms. Vinegar is well-known for its antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal traits, while plantain offers reliable antibiotic and anti-inflammatory advantages.

To use this mixture:

How to clean your dog's ear with a hydrogen peroxide solution

  • Gently apply a few drops to the affected ear with a dropper.
  • Massage the area for 30 seconds to ensure the cleaner is thoroughly absorbed.
  • Use a soft makeup pad or a cotton ball to remove residue.

Use Only 3%, Food-Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

The ideal choice when selecting hydrogen peroxide for dogs is a 3% food-grade variety. You can easily find food-grade hydrogen peroxide in any pharmacy.

The Dos and Don'ts of Using Hydrogen Peroxide in Dog Care

In wrapping up our journey through the world of hydrogen peroxide and its use in dogs, it's clear that this familiar household product isn't always the hero it's made out to be.

While it has its place in the standard pet first aid kit—particularly for inducing vomiting under the right circumstances—it's not the best choice for healing wounds.

The fizzing and bubbling might look impressive, but it can interfere with the natural healing process.

So, dog parents, before reaching for that hydrogen peroxide bottle, remember that you always have gentler options to ensure your furry friend's scrapes and cuts heal properly and quickly.

For more advice on dog nutrition, health, and training, make sure that you contact us and check out our blog!

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