Let's Discuss the Role of Fiber in Your Dog's Diet!

Let's Discuss the Role of Fiber in Your Dog's Diet!

Posted by volhard dog nutrition on Nov 17th 2023

When it comes to feeding our furry friends, 'fiber for dogs' might not be the first thing on our minds.

But hold onto your leashes because fiber is essential for your dog's digestive system!

Some dog parents who go all in with raw meat diets—only fat and protein—for their pups notice their dogs having bathroom troubles. That's because they're missing out on fiber!

So, while meaty meals sound tempting, adding fiber-rich fruits and veggies to the mix will make a world of difference for our four-legged pals.

Fiber isn't just filler; it's a game-changer for their health!

What's the Deal With Fiber?

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate. Now, before you say, "Carbs? For my dog? No way!" let's clear the air. It's not about ditching carbs altogether; it's about choosing the right ones. And fiber? It's one of the good guys.

Dogs can't actually break down fiber using their digestive enzymes. So, when they eat it, it stays undigested and travels to the colon.

That's where the magic happens.

All the helpful bacteria found in the colon love fiber! They break it down in a process that creates gases like carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and methane.

The Magic of Short-Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs)

When these bacteria work on the fiber, they produce short-chain fatty acids or SCFAs.

These unique compounds provide energy, help cells multiply, and even help make that protective jelly-like layer in the gut (the mucous membrane).

They also work to keep glucose and cholesterol in check and help prevent diseases.

Once the SCFAs have fulfilled their purpose in the colon, they're absorbed into the body from the large intestine, helping water move smoothly.

Each of the SCFAs has its own special job. For instance, muscles use acetate for energy, and butyrate fuels special cells in the intestinal lining. Furthermore, butyrate helps create T-cells—the bodyguards of the immune system—that keep inflammation in check.

2 Types of Fiber for Dogs

2 types of fiber for dogs

Soluble Fiber

Soluble fiber buddies with water and becomes a hydrated mass, becoming the favorite meal for your dog's colon bacteria.

Pectin from fruits, beta-glucans from mushrooms and seaweed, guar gum from guar beans, and methylcellulose, which comes from cellulose, are a few of the soluble fibers found in dog food.

Now, feeding these gut bacteria is essential for a healthy digestive tract. The right balance of helpful and harmful bacteria keeps your dog's immune system in tip-top shape. If things get out of whack, you might notice your dog having skin issues, food sensitivities, or even inflammation.

Insoluble Fiber

Unlike its soluble sibling, insoluble fiber doesn't mix with water.

Instead, it's the champion of adding some "bulk" to your dog's food, helping everything move along smoothly in the colon.

Cellulose and resistant starches are prime examples of insoluble fiber.

When dogs get the right amount of insoluble fiber, you'll see it in their poop—nicely shaped, solid, and easy to pick up.

For pups with constant tummy troubles or soft stools, it may be a sign that their diet is missing this essential fiber.

Do Dogs Need Fiber in Their Diet?

The answer is a resounding YES!

When we include fiber-rich foods in a dog's diet, magic happens. The fiber breaks down into short-chain fatty acids, giving your dog energy, supporting the gut lining, and boosting the immune system.

The next time you're deciding on what to include in your dog's meal, remember the power of fiber-rich foods!

9 Health Benefits of Fiber for Dogs

9 health benefits of fiber for dogs

Aiding the Digestive Process

The digestive process is a complex journey the food goes through, and fiber plays a vital role in ensuring it goes smoothly.

When dogs eat high-fiber food, their bodies create both the volume of food and the amount of waste or stool. More volume makes everything move at the right pace through the gastrointestinal tract.

Fiber has an interesting ability to control the pace in the stomach. Some fibers act like a traffic controller, telling the stomach when to speed things up and when to slow things down. This regulation ensures that food gets the right amount of time in the stomach for proper digestion.

It's not just about speed. While fiber helps food move efficiently, it also helps the intestines absorb essential nutrients and water into the blood.

Antioxidant Properties

A recent study showed fiber plays a 'bodyguard' role for antioxidants.

When our dogs munch on fruits and vegetables, they get many of these awesome antioxidant polyphenols.

And fiber? It's like the trusty sidekick, ensuring up to 80% of antioxidants travel safely through the tummy without getting lost or digested too early. (Fritsch et al., 2023)

Managing Anal Gland Issues

Anal gland issues are a real pain for dogs—quite literally. These small glands on either side of your dog's anus release fluids during bowel movements.

Sometimes, these glands don't empty as they should, leading to discomfort and potential health issues for our four-legged friends.

When a dog's diet lacks fiber, their stool can be too soft and not bulky enough to apply the necessary pressure to these glands during a bowel movement.

By adding fiber to a dog's diet, you're giving their stool a bit more substance. Bulkier stools do a better job of pressing against the walls of the anus. As a result, the anal glands get the pressure they need to release their fluid naturally. And this means fewer uncomfortable trips to the groomer for manual expression, which—let's be honest—neither you nor your dog look forward to.

Managing Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes describes the canine body's struggle to manage blood sugar levels.

When a dog's meal is rich in fiber, it slows down the journey of food through their digestive tract. This leisurely pace also means sugars from the food slowly enter the bloodstream.

The benefit? The blood glucose levels remain stable instead of suddenly spiking up.

If your dog has diabetes and is on medication or a special diet, adding fiber might change how these treatments work. Have a chat with your vet before making any dietary changes. They will guide you on the best way to include fiber in your diabetic dog's diet without causing any hiccups in their treatment.

Managing Weight

Obesity in dogs is a pressing concern, paving the way for various health issues.

When dogs consume high-fiber foods, they often feel fuller even though they eat fewer calories. This feeling of fullness means they're less likely to overeat or constantly search for more snacks.

Adding to this benefit, fiber ensures that while your dog is eating less, they still absorb vital nutrients from their food. This means they're getting all the good stuff they need without the extra calories they don't!

Preventing Colon Cancer

Fiber doesn't just push carcinogens along; it also binds to them.

Think of fiber like a sponge, soaking up these harmful substances and ensuring they're escorted out of the body efficiently.

This reduces the chances of these carcinogens wreaking havoc and leading to conditions like colon cancer.

Regulating Bowel Movements

Regulating bowel movements in dogs is crucial for their overall well-being, and fiber plays an essential role in this process.

When your dog eats, the food moves through the intestines through peristalsis. Think of peristalsis as a wave-like movement the intestinal muscles make to push the food along the digestive tract.

Fiber has an interesting way of interacting with this process.

If a dog has diarrhea, things move too fast in the intestines, which means water doesn't get enough time to be absorbed. This is where fiber steps in to slow things down, allowing more water to be absorbed. It helps firm up the stool and make it less watery.

If a dog is constipated, fiber speeds up the contractions, ensuring the stool can pass more quickly through the intestines.

Apart from helping in these specific situations, fiber consistently promotes proper colon health. It supports the quality of the stool, ensuring it's neither too hard nor too soft. A well-functioning colon and healthy stool mean a happier, more comfortable dog.

Strengthening Gut Health

Fiber is often called "nature's broom" when it comes to canine digestion.

When your dog consumes fiber, it travels through the gut, giving it a gentle massage to reduce inflammation. Just as we feel better after a soothing massage, the gut feels more at ease after fiber has done its work.

Additionally, the gut has these protective layers called mucous membranes. Over time, these layers are affected by all the food and substances passing through. Fiber helps clean these membranes, ensuring they function correctly and protect the gut.

Beyond just cleaning, fiber has another vital job: detoxifying. As it moves through the gut, fiber attaches itself to harmful toxins, escorting them out of the body through the poop.

Strengthening the Immune System

Fiber serves as a powerful tool in strengthening the immune system.

Fiber-rich foods fuel the helpful bacteria residing in the gut, leading to increased production of short-chain fatty acids, particularly butyrate.

Butyrate is instrumental in building T-cells. These T-cells are crucial components of a dog's immune system, working diligently to fend off harmful invaders and mitigate chronic inflammation.

Furthermore, fiber supports the growth of lactic acid bacteria, elevating the colon's acidity levels. An acidic environment isn't a favorable playground for harmful bacteria, hence reducing their chances of multiplying and causing diseases.

15 Amazing Sources of Fiber for Dogs

15 fiber sources for dogs


An apple a day keeps the vet away!

Apples are an excellent source of fiber for dogs. Remember to remove the seeds and core before giving them to your pet.

Beet Pulp

Beet pulp—the stuff left behind after sugar is extracted from beets—is a notable source of fiber for dogs. It can be an ingredient in certain dog foods, helping with digestion.


Dog broccoli

Broccoli is an excellent vegetable for dogs, providing fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It's a hearty veggie that helps with digestion and supports overall health.

Brown Rice

Brown rice is a gentle grain that provides dogs with a steady source of fiber. It's particularly useful for dogs with sensitive stomachs.

Berries (Strawberries and Blueberries)

These delightful fruits are more than just tasty treats for your pup. Strawberries and blueberries are loaded with fiber. Plus, they're filled with antioxidants that support overall health!


Dog carrot

Crunchy and tasty, carrots are another fiber-rich food for dogs. Furthermore, they provide a dose of beta-carotene, which supports your dog's eyesight.

Green Beans

Green beans are a simple and effective way to add fiber to your dog's diet. They're low in calories, making them an excellent treat for pups who need to watch their weight.

Ground Flaxseeds

Ground flaxseeds are more than just a health trend; they're a significant source of fiber for dogs. They also provide omega-3 fatty acids, benefiting your dog's skin and coat.


Kelp is a type of seaweed, and while it might sound unusual, it's a solid source of fiber for dogs. It's also full of essential minerals!


Krill is an unexpectedly reliable source of fiber. This tiny crustacean also offers Omega-3 fatty acids that will benefit your dog's skin, coat, and heart!

Leafy Greens (Kale)

Kale is a superfood for dogs. It's rich in fiber, ensuring that your dog's digestive system runs smoothly, and is also packed with other vital nutrients that promote overall health.


Lettuce, while light and leafy, provides a bit of fiber and can be a crunchy treat for dogs when added to their meals.


Microgreens are tiny, young plants packing a nutritional punch. These small greens are dense in nutrients and are a great source of fiber for your dog, helping them have a healthy digestion.

Raw Pumpkin

Dog with children and pumpkin

Raw pumpkin isn't just for Halloween! This fantastic source of fiber is particularly helpful for those with upset stomachs.

Shiitake Mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms offer a decent amount of fiber for dogs while also supporting their immune system.

How Much Fiber Does a Dog Need?

Generally, a dog's diet shouldn't exceed 10% fiber. Think of this as the upper limit.

Ideally, aim for about 5% fiber in their food.

But it's not a one-size-fits-all situation, so keep an eye on their stool to determine if adjustments are needed.

If a dog suffers from digestive issues, especially diarrhea, more fiber might be in order.

Dogs with conditions such as colitis, which may lead to diarrhea and blood in the stool, often benefit from increased fiber in their diet.

Our furry companions' needs also change as they grow older. Senior dogs often struggle with constipation or softer stools. Increased fiber can help address these digestive concerns.

However, fiber is not the best choice for all golden-agers. If your senior dog has difficulty absorbing nutrients, your veterinarian might suggest a diet with less fiber.

How Do I Know if My Dog Needs More Fiber?

Does my dog need fiber

Determining if your dog needs more fiber involves paying close attention to their diet and, more specifically, their stool.

While raw diets provide a lot of protein and fat, they sometimes lack essential sources of fiber, such as fruits and vegetables.

Stool appearance and consistency are some of the primary signs that your dog's diet lacks fiber:

  • If your dog's stool appears chalky and white, their diet has too much bone, posing the risk of constipation.
  • If the stool is hard and comes out in small, pebble-like shapes, your dog might be constipated.
  • Loose stools mean there's an imbalance in the diet.

What if My Dog Gets Too Much Fiber?

While fiber plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy digestive system for your dog, it's essential to remember that too much of a good thing can have adverse effects:

  • Excessive soluble fiber amounts may result in diarrhea.
  • An overabundance of insoluble fibers, like cellulose, can worsen constipation.
  • Sudden bouts of gas are linked to an excess of rapidly fermentable fiber types.
  • Another concern is that consuming too much fiber interferes with how your dog's body processes certain nutrients. The digestive enzymes, which help break down food and absorb essential nutrients, might have trouble working effectively. This is especially concerning for puppies or younger dogs, who need all the nutrients they can get. A high-fiber diet can dilute the nutrient content of the food to the extent that the dog might not get enough vital nutrients.
  • An increase in fiber intake will also change your dog's bathroom habits. While it's not harmful to their health, it might become a bit of a hassle if your dog needs to go outside to poop more often than usual.

Be Sure to Pack Your Pup's Diet With High-Fiber Dog Food!

Fiber is like the unsung hero of a dog's diet, quietly working to keep their tummies running smoothly.

F It's essential for every dog's health, but like most things, balance is key. Every dog parent has the task of finding that sweet spot, ensuring their pup gets just the right amount. Too little or too much fiber can throw things off, so always pay attention to your pup's reactions and consult your vet if unsure. Keep the fiber game strong and your furry friend happy!

Volhard Dog Nutrition and its expert nutritionists are now offering online consultations to help more dog parents discover why, what, and how to feed their dogs the healthiest of foods! Speaking to a Volhard nutritionist will help you understand the inseparable relationship between healthy food, a healthy body, and a healthy mind. If you're interested in contacting one of our Volhard nutritionists, don't hesitate to access our consultation page!

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